Outside contributions to this library are welcome.

Contributing directly to the code

In order to make contributions, please follow these basic steps:

  • Fork the public repository
  • Create a separate branch on your fork. Commit your changes to this fork
  • Create a pull request against the upstream master branch

Once your changes have been reviewed and all is well, the request will be merged in.

Some things to keep in mind

  • PHRETS follows the PSR-1/PSR-2 coding style
  • Please include automated tests which prove the functionality you're including or fixing
  • Please include a description of your change and what value it provides

Contributing to documentation

The documentation for PHRETS lives within the docs/ directory in the main repository. Using the same flow as code changes, please contribute any fixes, corrections or additions to the documentation you feel are necessary.

Once the documentation pull request has been merged in, the published documentation will automatically update.